On Thursday, October 13, the Rajasthan High Court denied bail to Gauhar Chishti, the Khadim of Ajmer Dargah, who had raised slogans of beheading against former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, reported Law Beat. Rajasthan High Court dismisses bail plea filed by #Ajmer Dargah Cleric Gauhar Chisti who allegedly provoked a crowd of 3000 people to raise #SarTanSeJuda slogan against Nupur …
In Jodhpur’s Pipad, locals said that ‘Sar Tan se Juda’ slogans raised participating Islamists disturbed the social harmony and created fear among the Hindu community New Delhi: ‘Sar Tan se Juda’ slogans were raised in Rajasthan’s Jodhpur and in Una city of Gujarat during processions carried out on the occasion of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi, the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad, on Sunday. …
On Friday, an Ahmadi Muslim man named Naseer Ahmad was stabbed to death for refusing to chant the Islamist slogans in the eastern town of Rabwah, Pakistan. The accused has been identified as Shehzad Rizvi who approached Ahmad and asked him to chant ‘Labbaik ya Rasool Allah’ and ‘Khadim Hussain Rizvi zindabad’. On a bus stop Naseer Ahmad was approached …
On July 5, a video of Ajmer Dargah Khadim Salman Chishti surfaced on social media platforms in which he threatened to kill the former spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party, Nupur Sharma. Notably, a few days ago the head of Ajmer Dargah Zainul Abedin Ali Khan had claimed Indian Muslims would not allow Talibanization in the country. Additional Superintendent of Police …