A video of a woman dancing to the Coke Studio song Khalasi was shared on social media. The video shows her dancing to the song while in her office in front of her colleagues. Instagram user Khushi, whose bio says she is a dancer, shared the video. “I want to ignore all my problems the way you ignored surrounding people’s …
Harsh Goenka took to X to share his feelings after listening to a Coke Studio song that has taken social media by storm. Harsh Goenka's post on Khalashi has prompted people to post varied comments. How did x users react to Harsh Goenka’s Khalasi post: “I am planning to break it down and post a video on it, Goenka ji. …
The Norwegian dance crew ‘Quick Style’ has become a global sensation. They have once again captivated hearts with their incredible dance to the Coke Studio song Khalasi by Achint and Aditya Gadhvi. In the caption, they wrote, “Dancing to Khalasi by Coke Studio Bharat No better way of announcing the start of a new journey with Coca Cola India than …
The song Khalasi by Achint and Aditya Gadhvi has taken over social media like a storm. As the song Khalasi plays, they perfectly match every dance step to the tune of the song. NOT getting over this showcase anytime soon.” Watch the video of the duo performing to the song Khalasi here: This post was shared four days ago. Check …