Ahead of the Constitution debate in the Lok Sabha, Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday alleged misuse of autonomous bodies and criticised the state of governance in the country. The Lok Sabha will today witness a special debate commemorating 75 years of the adoption of the Constitution, with newly elected Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra likely to make her maiden …
The Congress on Tuesday said the Gandhi family’s caste is martyrdom but the BJP-RSS will never understand that, as it slammed the ruling party over its MP Anurag Thakur’s apparent questioning of Rahul Gandhi’s caste. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge said his party is ready to listen to any casteist abuse, but it is determined to get a caste census done. …
Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge "inadvertently" exposed the “Modi-Shah game plan” of wanting to make changes in Article 371 of the Indian Constitution, party leader Jairam Ramesh on Saturday hit back at the Bharatiya Janata Party. The remarks came after BJP criticized Kharge for “mistakenly” referring to Article 371 while speaking about the abrogation of Article 370, saying the opposition party's …
Party Unity The election seems to have strengthened unity in the party. Tharoor, also part of the G-23, has consistently been maintaining the need for party unity and saying that "the Congress will win irrespective of who wins". The tone and tenor of the presidential election on one hand and the energy of the Bharat Jodo Yatra on the other …