Allu Arjun recently got regular bail in connection with the Pushpa 2 stampede tragedy. The Ramgopalpet Police Station in Hyderabad has issued a fresh notice to Allu Arjun, requesting him to keep his visit to the eight-year-old boy confidential so that public order can be maintained. Police requests Allu Arjun to keep his visit to Pushpa 2 The Rule stampede …
A 15-year-old tribal girl from Khammam district has undergone life-saving surgery after being diagnosed with a rare tumor between her heart and lungs. Doctors at Kondapur KIMS Hospital also detected a large Atrial Septal Defect — a congenital heart condition that had gone unnoticed for years. A portion of the lung had to be excised during the surgery, though fortunately …
As competition heats up in the healthcare sector, mergers and acquisitions have become the order of the day, resulting in an inflow of private equity along with brand names. Among the key players in Hyderabad are IHH Healthcare, General Atlantic, Parkway Patani Group, TPG and InvAscent, who are all trying to increase their share in large hospital brands while acquiring …