Actor Bhagyashree, who was seen in a cameo appearance in Salman Khan's Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, opened up about their relationship rumours in a recent interview. Bhagyashree said her husband Himalay Dassani was once asked ‘aapko kaise lagta hai, Bhagyashree ka affair Salman ke saath tha aur ab ye bachcha hua hai?’ The actor said she had given …
Salman Khan's Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, which released on Eid last month, has a large ensemble cast and few special appearances. Among them is actor Bhagyashree who acted opposite Salman in Rajshri's romantic blockbuster Maine Pyar Kiya in 1989. After the release of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, fans loved the mini-reunion between Salman's Bhai and Bhagyashree …
Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan was released on April 21. Amid the sea of actors seen in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, there's one name that is winning the hearts on social media: Bhagyashree. Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan has a special cameo by Salman’s Maine Pyar Kiya co-star Bhagyashree. What's more, fans Fans loved …
Actor Bhagyashree said that people 'painted' her husband Himalay Dassani 'as a villain' when she stopped working in films after the two married. In a new interview, Bhagyashree, who took a break from films after Maine Pyar Kiya, said that though people did not know Himalay, yet they projected him in a bad light. Bhagyashree added that after the couple …