Sharad Kelkar was lauded for his his negative portrayal in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela. Sharad Kelkar revealed that Deepika Padukone danced in Ram-Leela despite being in pain. Sharad Kelkar praises Deepika Padukone Sharad heaped praise on his co-star and said, “I remember one incident very well. Full tape bandh k usne 11 din shoot kiya pain me. …
Urmila Matondkar said that she chose diverse roles in her career instead of trying to cash in on the success of Rangeela by doing the same kinds of roles. Urmila Matondkar in a still from Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya. In an interview, Urmila said that Feroz was moved to tears by the last scene of Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya and …
Salman Khan discusses delivering his Eid promise with Radhe, how his acting has changed over the years, and why the on-screen hero is far more ‘self-obsessed’ and ’egoistical’ than his real self As the country grapples with a deadly second wave of COVID-19, Salman Khan is set to honour his “commitment” of releasing at least one film on Eid. In …
SP Balasubrahmanyam fit into the grammar of Hindi film music organically. But he still had to wage a war against popular perception of the time — a ‘South Indian’ singer as the voice of the Hindi film hero. Balasubrahmanyam had sung for several Hindi films by then but his voice hadn’t broken out in the Hindi film industry yet, especially …