Former RSS ideologue KN Govindacharya has moved the Apex Court seeking NIA Investigation and lodging of FIR against Facebook, WhatsApp, NSO Group under the provisions of the Information Technology Act and Indian Penal Code for violating fundamental privacy of Indians.Govindacharya Former RSS ideologue KN Govindacharya has moved the Apex Court seeking NIA Investigation and lodging of FIR against Facebook, WhatsApp, …
KN Govindacharya, has expressed his grief over the demise of former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and has spoken about his relationship with him. BJP’s former general secretary and the leader of the Rashtriya Swabhiman Andolan, KN Govindacharya, has expressed his grief over the demise of former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and has spoken about his relationship with him. …