I never got to meet Jayanta Mahapatra, and am a little cut up about it. “Mahapatra’s death on Sunday has left the community of Indian poets writing in English both sobered by grief at his passing and rejoicing in his long life, astoundingly rich and prolific writing, and his warm, congenial encouragement of younger poets.” Losing a beloved artist is …
Paris-based researcher Laetitia Zecchini, who translated Arun Kolatkar’s Kala Ghoda Poems into French in 2013, said his works took the French by surprise. “They didn’t know an Indian poet could write like that,” she said, speaking at a literary event held, as part of the HT Kala Ghoda Arts Festival on Thursday. Latitia-Zecchini-L-and-Ranjit-Hoskote-R-discuss-about-Arjun-Kolatkar-s-book-at-David-Sassoon-Library-as-a-part-of-the-HT-Kala-Ghoda-Arts-Festival-in-Mumbai-Pratham-Gokhale-HT-photo As Zecchini and poet Ranjit Hoskote discussed …