On Friday, G. Koteswara Rao, CITU’s Anakapalle district general secretary, visited the Parvada pharmaceutical industries to assess the situation firsthand. He spoke with workers about the ongoing water shortage and inspected the site where APIIC is repairing motors that had previously undergone repairs.During the visit, Koteswara Rao criticised APIIC officials for their negligence and the irresponsible behavior of the management. …
It is not the searing summer predicted for the Krishna-Prakasam-Guntur belt that the people of Cheruvukommupalem village in the Prakasam district dread. Living 500 m from a red category factory “It is surprising that an industry categorised as ‘red’ is allowed to function in the midst of urban settlements,” says a government doctor from Ongole on condition of anonymity. We …
KAKINADA: Thousands of students in erstwhile Godavari districts worshipped Goddess Saraswathi on Sunday, the seventh day of Dasara, on the auspicious Moola Nakshatra day coinciding with the auspicious Telugu Tithi Saptami, called “Bhanu Saptami.” Several temples, peethams and spiritual centres organised Sarasvathi poojas. Noted spiritual speaker Changati Koteswara Rao performed pooja to the Goddess of Education at Akondi Lakshmi's Gaushala. …