A total of 133 people died in Karnataka due to rains this year, said Karnataka Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda in assembly on Friday. Krishna Byre Gowda Speaking in the assembly, Gowda said, “The state has received 20 per cent above-normal rainfall this year, but it was uneven, with some areas receiving less rain. A total of 133 people have …
A day after senior Congress leader and MLA BR Patil, accused Karnataka revenue minister Krishna Byre Gowda of levelling corruption charges against him over public works and demanded a probe into the matter, chief minister Siddaramaiah said he had spoken with Patil and has invited him to ‘clarify’ the situation. Despite Gowda’s clarification, Patil, in a letter to the chief …
The political uncertainty in Karnataka continues after the Assembly was adjourned till July 19 morning amid acrimony during the debate on the motion of confidence moved by Chief Minister H.D. 1.45 pm Guide me, says Speaker Speaker K R Ramesh Kumar says while he is a respondent before the Supreme Court, the Congress Legislative Party leader is not a party …
Bengaluru: With Bangalore North Lok Sabha constituency back in the Congress kitty after the JD backed off from fielding a candidate, the Congress moved swiftly to name emerging Vokkaliga face, Krishna Byre Gowda, as their candidate for the seat, late on Monday. With Mr Byre Gowda's name being announced by none other than Congress Legislature Party leader, Siddaramaiah, it has …