More than half of Dutch parents with children aged 16 or 17 are comfortable allowing their teens to consume some alcohol during the holiday season, according to a survey by the RTL News Panel. At least we do.” Another parent added, “All the generations before mine drank at that age, and I don’t feel like it affected our brains negatively.” …
THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Mark Rutte became the longest-serving Dutch prime minister Tuesday, and the leader known by some as “Teflon Mark” because scandals don’t stick to him is showing no sign of slowing despite unrest gripping his nation and his party’s popularity sliding in polls. Rutte, 55, leader of the center-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, or VVD, …
Almost all political parties in the Netherlands are shifting to the left, resulting in the center being less empty than in previous elections, election guide Kieskompas concluded based on the parties' election programs. Political parties moved to the left en masse when it comes to the economic field, with a few exceptions. Most parties also became more progressive in the …