Happy reunion Kashmera Shah took to her Instagram on her birthday to express her views. She shared that she is happy about the reconciliation while sharing a video clip from the show where Krushna Abhishek is seen dancing with Govinda on stage. Patching things up Putting the past behind them, Krushna Abhishek and Govinda made an appearance together on the …
Kashmera Shah recently met with an accident while she was in the US, away from her family. While the incident got everyone worried, her husband, actor-comedian Krushna Abhishek informs that she is doing fine. Krushna Abhishek on Kashmera Shah's health after accident Explaining what happened and how the accident took place, Krushna shares, “She bumped into a glass mirror on …
Back in October this year, Bollywood actor and politician Govinda got into a terrible accident. Well, next weekend Govinda will open up about this incident when he graces Kapil Sharma’s show with Chunky Panday and Shakti Kapoor. In the trailer of the upcoming episode, Govinda reveals how Shilpa Shetty reacted when she went to meet him after the accident. Govinda …
Actor Kashmera Shah, currently in USA's Palm Springs, experienced a 'freak accident' on Monday, November 18. Known for her appearance on a cooking reality show with her husband, comedian Krushna Abhishek, Kashmera informed her fans about the incident through social media, sharing a photo of blood-soaked tissues. In an exclusive conversation with Indian Express' Screen, Krushna revealed that Kashmera suffered …
Actor Kashmera Shah, wife of comedian Krushna Abhishek, was involved in an accident while she was in America. Kash, hope you're absolutely OK now dear.” Kishwer Merchantt said, “Omg are u ok?” Tannaz Irani's comment read, “Omg this is scary! hope all good.” Kashmera and Krushna were recently seen together on the reality cooking show Laughter Chefs. The show had …