Sixteen girls staying in Swamy Dayananda Saraswathi Ashram, located at Ameenapeta, in Eluru, reportedly alleged that the ashram administrator, B. Sasi Kumar, sexually harassed and misbehaved with them. The racket was unearthed when a 13-year-old inmate of the ashram lodged a complaint with the Eluru Two Town police on Wednesday, alleging that Sasi Kumar, who was the Hostel Welfare Officer …
In the wake of renewed allegations of sexual misconduct within the Malayalam film industry, actor-turned-politician and Kerala's Minister for Transport, KB Ganesh Kumar, has refrained from commenting on the issue. He further added, “For the past 23 years, the media has been hunting me down, but there is no substance left in me for them to exploit.” The controversy arises …
The trailer of Vikas Bahl's Super 30, which marks Hrithik Roshan's entry into the biopic genre, is out. The actor brings the story of Patna-based math genius and founder of the Super 30 educational programme, Anand Kumar, alive on celluloid. With ICC clearing Vikas Bahl's name, we don't have a choice but to reinstate his credit as Super 30 director," …