In a shocking incident in Akola city, Maharashtra, a 29-year-old history sheeter named Ganesh Kumre has been apprehended for the alleged sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl. The accused reportedly harassed the victim for the past two years and committed heinous acts, including singeing her with cigarette butts and forcibly tonsuring her head on November 15 and 16. Ganesh Kumre, …
The Bombay High Court has held the Superintendent of Central Prison, Nagpur - Anupkumar M. Kumre - guilty of contempt and sentenced him to seven days' simple imprisonment for selectively denying prisoners emergency parole during the Covid pandemic. "If the Court finds that the Government's action in rejecting the grant of parole to a prisoner has the effect of suffocating …
Jogeshwari East Assembly constituency is Maharashtra’s one of the 288 Vidhan Sabha constituencies. Candidate Party EVM Votes Postal Votes Total Votes % of Votes 1 Kundan Hindurao Waghmare Bahujan Samaj Party 1249 0 1249 0.84 2 Ravindra Dattaram Waikar Shiv Sena 90401 0 90401 60.82 3 Sunil Bisan Kumre Indian National Congress 31831 0 31831 21.42 4 Dilbag Singh Vanchit …