An eight-year-old boy, who was kidnapped from his house in Kurnool city more than 20 days back, was released safely by the abductors on Sunday. According to Kurnool Deputy Superintendent of Police J. Babu Prasad, a couple from Delhi Ajith Rathod and Asha migrated to Kurnool city and was living in a thatched house on the Kurnool - Kodumur road. …
Kurnool: The pipeline project for supplying drinking water to Kurnool city from Sunkesula Reservoir through the Summer Storage Tank at Munagalapadu is nearing completion. The project involves a 23-kilometre pipeline for bringing water from Sunkesula Reservoir to the Summer Storage Tank in Kurnool city at Munagalapadu. City mayor B. Y. Ramaiah said the state government had granted administrative sanction for …