That name would likely spark a glint of recognition in the eyes, if the reader is from Chennai, salivates over traditional healthy sweets, is a card-carrying follower of veganism and pops in at organic food markets. With a surfeit of traditional sweets on his food enterprise Kottivakkam-based Marabhu Suvai’s carte du jour, R. Srinivasan — to whom that sweet-sounding moniker …
A cat is being hailed as “clever” on Instagram after a video of the kitty foiling its human’s plans was shared on the social networking platform. The video shows how the cat opens a cabinet door that its pet parent locked using ladles. The video opens to show a cabinet with two ladles placed on its handles, assumingly to make …
They fell silent A was the first to notice it. “Hey, look, we’re drinking spoons,” the children called out gleefully as they gulped the chocolate milk. They turned into water Once upon a time there were four kullars, little people, who could instantly change form and turn into water. War needs no reason, no cause.” They asked sorrowfully, “What can …