Months after an Air India crew member, brother of a jailed gangster, was shot dead outside a gym in Noida, a woman has been arrested for allegedly ordering the hit on the deceased, Suraj Mann, whose brother, Parvesh, is in Delhi's Mandoli prison. The victim was shot dead outside a gym in Noida's sector 104 on January 19 The woman, …
MUMBAI: The police have arrested Karima Shaikh, who earned the sobriquet ‘Lady Don’, along with two other accomplices on Monday for allegedly threatening a 29-year-old witness in an attempt to murder case of dire consequences. Lady Don Karima Shaikh booked for threatening to kill police witness against her The complainant, identified as Adil Shameem Sheikh, was a witness in a …
Sukhdev Gogamedi murder case: Rajasthan Police have arrested a lady don in connection with the murder of Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena President Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi. Jaipur Police Commissioner Biju George Joseph said Ramveer Jat, one of the conspirators in the Gogamedi murder case, was arrested on Saturday. Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi murder The incident occurred on December 5 when Sukhdev Singh …