Guwahati: Fresh tensions prevailed in Imphal and its nearby areas of Manipur following the report of disappearance of two teenagers from Sekmai area of the capital city on Tuesday. The missing youths have been identified as 16-year-old Maibam Avinash and 19-year-old Ningthoujam Anthony, hailing from Lamshang, a locality in Imphal West district. Security sources said that the teenagers had gone …
IMPHAL: The high court of Manipur has served separate notices to power minister Thongam Biswajit Singh and MLA Sorokhaibam Rajen Singh in connection with two different election petitions filed against them. The election petitions against Manipur minister Thongam Biswajit Singh and MLA Sorokhaibam Rajen Singh were filed under the representation of the People’s Act. Seram Neken, a Congress candidate from …