The exportation of Chinese textbooks overseas faces intertwined opportunities and challenges, a consensus experts reached at a symposium on the practices of exporting Chinese textbooks recently held by the National Institute for Higher Education Teaching Materials, Higher Education Press. Concurrent with China's rapid development and rising soft power, more Chinese textbooks have appeared on the bookshelves abroad, covering specialized areas …
For independent learners, learning a new language can be beset with fear and a lack of motivation. Set aside a specific time of the day to learn the language and stick to it. Having a dedicated time allocated will help you progress and make language learning a part of your routine. Integrate the learning activities with your favourite hobby, so …
Physical classes, making new friends and spending time at the playground during recess have been replaced by screens ever since the pandemic began. Karadi Tales’ Karadi Path is one such resource for language learning, which was ideated and launched 10 years back. “We had Naseeruddin Shah, Nandita Das and so on giving voice to the characters,” recalls CP Viswanath, co-founder …