The Board of Control for Cricket in India, on Thursday evening, announced the white-ball squad for the upcoming tour of Sri Lanka. The T20I leg, with Suryakumar Yadav at the helm, after he pipped Hardik Pandya in the race to become the new captain after Rohit Sharma's retirement from the format last month, will take place between July 27 and …
India won the 1st ODI match against Sri Lanka by a big margin of 67 runs in Guwahati on Tuesday, 10 January. India's win was set-up by its openers, Shubman Gill and captain Rohit Sharma, who combined to put 143 runs for the opening wicket. Gill's selection was however contentious since left-hander Ishan Kishan had scored a stunning double-century in …
All four net bowlers — Ishan Porel, Sandeep Warrier, Simarjeet Singh and R Sai Kishore — have been included the main team with nine players unavailable. Colombo: India will miss the services of eight key players, including six sure shot first XI men, due to isolation protocols after Krunal Pandya tested positive for COVID-19 ahead of the second T20 International …
Wicketkeepers often add a spark to mundane play with their chatter behind the stumps. India's gloveman in Sri Lanka, Ishan Kishan, was also peppy while doing his work in the second One-day International against the islanders. Ishan inflicted a run-out in the final over bowled by Bhuvneshwar Kumar but what caught the attention of fans were his words caught by …