Priyanka's shoutout Priyanka took to her Instagram Stories on Thursday to share a clip from Monkey Man. What an impressive debut!” She also tagged other Indian actors from the cast, including Sobhita Dhulipala, Pitobash, Makarand Deshpande, and Vinit Kumar Sharma, who are all making their Hollywood debut with the film. Monkey Man out in theatres worldwide, go watch.” Meanwhile, Priyanka …
Priyanka Chopra recently revealed the real reason why she quit Bollywood. After PeeCee gave that statement, Kangana Ranaut accused Karan Johar of Priyanka's exit from B-Town. READ | Priyanka Chopra reveals why she looked for a career in Hollywood, says 'I had beef with people in Bollywood' VIVEK AGNIHOTRI LAUDS PRIYANKA CHOPRA Vivek Agnihotri took to his Twitter account and …