Relentless rainfall has unleashed widespread devastation in Pune and its surrounding areas, claiming at least four lives and submerging numerous houses in low-lying parts of the city. "Many areas in Pune are experiencing flood-like conditions, primarily due to water discharge from the Mutha river after Khadakwasla dam began overflowing," Pawar noted. Fire brigade and Pune Municipal Corporation's disaster management cell …
THE Election Commission of India is intended to be an autonomous body. Ashok Lavasa was the sole member of the Commission who refused to give a clean chit to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah in the matter of electoral process violations. Avny Lavasa Ashok Lavasa’s daughter, Avny Lavasa, who was the Deputy Commissioner of Leh from …
Police on Wednesday registered an FIR against BJP leaders accused of trying to bribe journalists at Leh following a court order. Earlier, an inquiry, ordered by Leh deputy commissioner and district election officer Anvy Lavasa, had found the allegations against BJP leaders to be prima facie true. Leh press club president Morup Stanzin said BJP MLC Vikram Randhawa handed over …