It's a hot afternoon in the dusty streets of Port Moresby and Maholopa Laveil is driving around looking for someone in a white shirt and bright yellow vest brandished with the slogan "be counted". Mr Laveil doesn't think the census will crack the mystery around PNG's true population. The Pacific nation hasn't held a successful census in 24 years, and …
A peaceful protest over a payroll "glitch" spilled into violence on the streets of Papua New Guinea's capital, Port Moresby, leaving at least 16 dead. Mr Barker said politics is in a "very hot state" right now, with a no-confidence vote in the PM possible in coming months. Mr Laveil said the situation "finally boiled over", with people hurting from …
A Papua New Guinean researcher says Australia must help deliver the country's first census in more than a decade, to run alongside local initiatives, amid speculation its population is as high as 17 million. Key points: Tracking births and deaths at the village-level in ward record books is seen as cheap and effective Next year, Papua New Guinea is likely …