Tensions flared outside Gachibowli Police Station on Thursday as Bharat Rashtra Samithi cadres staged a protest against the detention of former minister and senior BRS leader T. Harish Rao. BRS leader Dasoju Sravan Kumar sharply criticised CM Revanth Reddy, alleging misuse of police power and a breakdown of governance in Telangana. #WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: BRS cadres protest outside the …
A case has been filed against Bharat Rashtra Samithi leader and former minister Harish Rao at the Panjagutta Police Station in Telangana’s Hyderabad in connection with allegations of illegal phone tapping. The complaint, filed by Gadhagoni Chakradhar Goud, a real estate dealer and former political candidate, also names senior police official Radha Kishan Rao in the case. In his written …
HYDERABAD: Alleging that the government is targeting BRS working KT Rama Rao’s family as he keeps fighting for the cause of Telangana people, Siddipet MLA and former minister T Harish Rao said that the former’s brother-in-law Raj Pakala organised a family function, which some people were trying to project it as a “rave” party. Speaking to reporters here on Monday, …
Senior Congress leader Harish Rawat, who has been in the party for over five decades, is nowadays hovering between Chandigarh-Delhi-Dehradun. Caught between the camps of state Congress chief Pritam Singh and Leader of Opposition in assembly Indira Hridayesh, Harish Rawat accepted that he is considered as a “problem child”. “I will withdraw from Uttarakhand if the party asks me to …