The horrific murder of 28-year-old journalist Mukesh Chandrakar for exposing the corruption of Congress leader Suresh Chandrakar has left the country in shock. While the deceased journalist’s autopsy report revealed that he had sustained 15 fractures to his head, his neck was broken and his heart was ripped out, attempts are being to pass off murder-accused Congress leader Suresh Chandrakar …
Suresh Reddy, the BRS Parliamentary Party leader on Tuesday called for tightening of the loose ends in the anti-defection laws, and bring in delimitation in a manner that does justice to Telangana. Speaking during the discussion on the Constitution in the Rajya Sabha, Suresh Reddy said while delimitation is welcome, the process “should not punish states like Telangana. States like …
Actor and Bharatiya Janata Party leader Suresh Gopi found himself at the centre of a storm on October 28 after a video of him interacting with reporters in Kozhikode, in which he was seen repeatedly touching a woman journalist without her consent, went viral. Mr. Gopi said in a Facebook post that he would apologise to the journalist if she …