The Indian higher judiciary, represented by the Supreme Court and High Courts, plays a crucial role in adjudicating and interpreting laws within the country's legal framework. 26: Judgment and Orders: Judicial Decisions as Authorities per incuriam has been elucidated as under: “A decision is given per incuriam when the court has acted in ignorance of a previous decision of its …
earthrise explores how the law is protecting life on Earth by granting rights to nature and holding multinationals to account. In Huaraz, in the Peruvian Andes, we meet farmer and mountain guide Saul Luciano Lliuya whose home is at risk of flooding due to glacial melt. Together with the environmental justice NGO, Germanwatch, Saul is taking one of the Global …
Former President Donald J. Trump has remained a pillar in the Republican Party one year after leaving office in disgrace and despite facing multiple investigations, including his participation in the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol, alleged business fraud and sexual assault cases. "Let's start in New York with those two parallel probes, a civil one and a criminal …