Delhi election 2025: Election Commission directed Delhi's Chief Electoral Officer to probe Aam Aadmi Party's complaint on January 9. AAP raised concerns regarding alleged violations of electoral laws and the model code of conduct by BJP candidate Parvesh Verma, as well as discrepancies in Delhi electoral roll. Election Commission's Principal Secretary Ajoy Kumar in reply to this letter stated, “The …
The election to the legislative assembly of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, scheduled to be held in February, has started gaining national attention not because it is one of the most crucial elections of the country — seeing as the government there wields very little power compared with those in the big states of India — but because of …
Two members of the Delhi Commission for Women on Wednesday termed “malicious” their former chief and Aam Aadmi Party Rajya Sabha member Swati Maliwal’s allegations that the panel is being “systematically dismantled” by Delhi government Ministers. In a letter to Ms. Maliwal, panel members Firdos Khan and Kiran Negi also accused Delhi Lieutenant-Governor V. K. Saxena of withholding funding to …
Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has recommended an NIA probe against chief minister Arvind Kejriwal for allegedly receiving funding from pro-Khalistani outfits, dealing another blow to the jailed AAP leader during general elections. The complaint received from Mongia, national general secretary of the World Hindu Federation, India, alleges that AAP received substantial funding from extremist Khalistani groups, including banned …