Also announced were the new LG G8 ThinQ and the LG G8s ThinQ smartphones with the new Z Camera. At the LG event held at the ongoing Mobile World Congress, LG announced three new smartphones along with a fancy Dual Screen accessory. It’s basically a case, which adds a 6.2-inch FHD+ OLED display to the V50 ThinQ 5G connecting via …
LG introduced two new phones ahead of the Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona on Sunday, February 24. Special features The LG V50 ThinQ has several special features: -- It comes with a secondary 6.2-inch Full HD+ Full Vision OLED attachable display that attaches itself to the side of the phone. -- Apart from stereo speakers, boombox speaker, 32 bit …
The LG V50 is said to be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 855 SoC and 4,000 mAh battery LG is reportedly joining the 5G bandwagon at MWC 2019, with the launch of the purported LG V50 ThinQ 5G. As per report by ETNews, LG has will be unveiling it’s first 5G handset under the V-series, along with G8 ThinQ. As for …