Delhi is in the festive mode with Ramlilas having taken over the city in all their grandeur. But this year, Old Delhi is reclaiming its first spot as a 110-feet high Ravana is set-up at Shri Ram Lila Committee’s Ramlila at Red Fort grounds. Old Delhi is reclaiming its first spot as a 110ft high Ravana is set-up at the …
Parents usually give their smartphones to their children for momentary distraction or to keep them entertained. “I went about my day thinking nothing of it until my phone buzzed at 2 a.m. the next morning alerting me to a shipped Amazon order,” said Nunes, as quoted by “I went on my Amazon order history to find that I, or …
The Uttar Pradesh government will here light 12 lakh earthen lamps, nine lakh of which will be lit on the banks of the Saryu, bettering the previous Diwali record. Last year, over six lakh earthen lamps were lit during the "Deepotsav" to celebrate the festival, creating a world record. Nine lakh lamps will be lit on the banks of the …