Proposed new provisions for legal cases involving one spouse who has excessively rewarded livestreaming hosts will help efficiently solve family disputes and unify standards for verdicts and division of assets in divorce proceedings, legal experts said. The draft document of the Civil Code's marriage and family section states that if a spouse's tipping of livestreaming hosts exceeds the family's usual …
本月,北京迎入汛以来最强降雨,三峡水库迎来最大洪峰;新发地农产品批发市场分期复市;《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第八版)》印发;TikTok公司对美国政府行政令发起诉讼;创业板注册制首批18家企业在深交所上市;首都功能核心区控制性详细规划获批。 海底高铁隧道 undersea high-speed railway tunnel The technical proposal for the Ningbo-Zhoushan Railway, China's first high-speed rail with an undersea segment connecting the Zhoushan Islands in East China's Zhejiang province with the mainland, has been completed, the local Ningbo Evening News reported on Saturday. 据《宁波晚报》8月1日报道,中国首条连接浙江舟山岛和大陆的跨海高铁工程——甬(宁波)舟(舟山)铁路项目的技术方案已经完成。 【单词讲解】 高铁是high-speed railway,而海底高铁隧道就是undersea high-speed railway tunnel。由于这条海底高铁隧道是甬舟铁路(Ningbo-Zhoushan railway)的一部分,所以翻译成high-speed rail with an undersea segment。 7月30日,历经2年多,由铁四院勘察设计的“隧道风险评估与金塘海底隧道关键技术方案”,通过了以中国工程院院士钱七虎为组长的专家组评审(passed assessment from …
国家网信办、全国“扫黄打非”工作小组办公室等八部门日前联合召开工作部署会,表示将着力推动研究制定主播账号分级分类管理规范,提升直播平台文化品位,引导用户理性打赏,规范直播带货行为。 2020年6月9日,在连云港市海头镇,一名网络主播在直播推销食品。(图片来源:新华社) A regulation on managing livestreaming hosts of different levels and classifications is being drafted in China as a move to improve the cultural taste of online content and keep the development of the industry in order, the Cyberspace Administration said on its official website Tuesday. 中国国家互联网信息办公室8月4日在官方网站表示,将研究制定主播账号分级分类管理规范,提升直播平台文化品位,规范行业发展。 【单词讲解】 现在很火的网络直播的英文表达就是livestreaming,主播就是livestreaming host,直播带货就是sell products through livestreaming platforms,而限时秒杀的表达则是time-limited sec-killing。 国家网信办负责人表示,将研究制定主播账号分级分类管理规范(regulation on managing livestreaming …