The Lucknow Municipal Corporation collected ₹41,200 during a pet licence-checking campaign carried out on Saturday. LMC pet licence-checking drive in progress on Saturday. Currently, there are over 10,000 pet dogs in the city, but only 3,720 licences have been issued in this financial year, reflecting a sharp decline from 5,600 licenses in 2023-24 and 8,200 in 2022-23. Pet owners can …
Lucknow Municipal Corporation officials ruffled some feathers during a drive to check for unlicensed pets taken up on Saturday. Many said pet owners were interrupted during their morning walks by officials, who even followed them home to check for more pets. Condemning the abrupt and intrusive nature of the inspections, residents argued that LMC should rather focus on organising camps …
LUCKNOW Pet owners in the city are a worried lot after the the Centre imposed a ban on the import, sale, and breeding of 23 “ferocious” dog breeds considering them to be a “threat to human life”’ and the Lucknow Municipal Corporation deciding not to issue fresh licences for canines that are not sterilized and vaccinated. The list includes breeds …