Oil prices fell further on Monday morning and are now nearly back to the pre-Russian invasion of Ukraine levels. The falling oil prices mean there is a possibility that the price for a liter of petrol could dip below 2 euros. Fuel prices have also skyrocketed along with the oil price, which is why the Netherlands and others temporarily lowered …
Oil prices fell 4% on Monday on worries that widening coronavirus lockdowns in Europe would weaken fuel demand and amid concerns about turbulence over this week's U.S. presidential election. Vitol sees winter demand at 96 million barrels per day while Trafigura expects demand to fall to 92 million bpd or below. Still, concerns about weakening demand and rising supplies from …
Oil fell to around $30 a barrel on Wednesday as a report showing a higher-than-expected rise in U.S. inventories offset hopes for a recovery in demand as some countries ease coronavirus lockdowns. Brent crude has almost doubled since hitting a 21-year low reached on April 22, supported by expectations demand will recover and by a record supply cut led by …
It’s the first time in Italy’s post-war history that sweeping peacetime restrictions on daily lives have been imposed. The Corriere della Serra article called on the European Union’s central bank to give Italy full support in fighting the virus and promising that its economy “would not die on the operating table”. Newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano reminded its readers of “The …