Dame Deborah James' daughter Eloise has modelled a limited edition Christmas jumper to raise money for the late journalist's charity fund. Charity: Dame Deborah James' daughter Eloise has modelled a limited edition Christmas jumper to raise money for the late journalist's charity fund Deborah died aged 40 on June 28, at her parents' home in Woking, Surrey, following a five-year-long …
Coronavirus: Supermarkets ask shoppers to stop stockpiling 新冠病毒:英国超市呼吁顾客理智购物 Play audio file (注:原文发表于 3 月 15 日。)正值人们对新冠病毒有关的囤货行为感到担忧之时,英国的数家连锁超市呼吁顾客不要购买超过他们需要的数量。在一封联名信中,英国零售商提醒顾客在购物时应考虑周到,以免导致他人买不到急需的物品。 The pandemic hasn’t yet peaked in the UK, but many shoppers have been stocking up on essentials such as loo roll, hand wash and long-life foods. 该消息刊登在今明两天的报纸上,由包括英佰瑞(Sainsbury’s)、乐购(Tesco)、阿斯达(ASDA)、Iceland 和考斯特卡特超市(Costcutter)共同签署。消息表示他们正竭尽全力确保货架上的存货充足,但指出,顾客超需求购物的行为可能意味着他人无货可买。 They 这些商家也试图打消公众的疑虑,他们说,如果大家共同努力,就有足够的物资满足所有人的需求。 词汇 stocking up on 囤积,大量购买 essentials 生活必需品 loo roll 卫生纸 hand wash 洗手液 long-life …
Three women have been filmed in a remarkable fist fight over toilet paper at a Woolworths supermarket. The woman were filmed brawling in a Woolworths supermarket in Sydney as they tried to buy toilet paper Bankstown Police said they are trying to identify two of the women, having already spoken to a 49-year-old woman about the incident. I just want …