HYDERABAD: Around 150 students and staff from Osmania University have fallen prey to a cyber-fraud, with each losing approximately Rs 50,000, which overall comes to a staggering Rs 75 lakh. Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, art student Azar Ali Khan said "A friend of mine was earning Rs 2,000 each day through an app called ‘Seven Eleven’. Cyber expert Anil Rachamalla …
Television host and producer Raghu Ram lost his close friend Abdul Rauf to the coronavirus. Raghu Ram and Rajiv Lakshman were saddened by the demise of their friend Abdul Rauf. Raghu mourned that Abdul’s life was cut short by the deadly virus and said that he would ‘never be ok’. Raghu’s twin brother Rajiv Lakshman also penned a heartfelt tribute …