At its peak, more than 3.8 million Australians were on JobKeeper — three in every 10 Australian workers. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, here with Prime Minister Scott Morrison, said the Australian economy had "strengthened, even after the end of JobKeeper". The unemployment rate fell to 5.5 per cent in April not because employment grew, but because 33,600 people who had previously …
Maya Forstater, 47, insists her views are based on 'fundamental scientific facts' A tax expert who was sacked after claiming people cannot change their biological sex insist her views are based on 'fundamental scientific fact', an employment appeal tribunal has heard. Ms Forstater said that 'when men wear make-up, heels, dresses they don't become women' and took swipes at the …
Chennai: Around 6.6 million white-collar professionals lost their jobs after the coronavirus lockdown, washing away all employment gains made since 2016. Among the salaried class, industrial workers lost 5 million jobs, as per the data from the private think tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. As per CMIE's analysis of data from its 20th wave of Consumer Pyramids Household Survey, …
Since the November 8, 2016 demonetisation, at least five million people lost opportunities to work across the country, while the overall unemployment rate doubled between 2011 and 2018 to 6%, says a 'State of Working India' report published by the Centre for Sustainable Employment of the Azim Premji University that was released on Tuesday. On the demand side, there has …