Vivo, Poco and Realme recently launched their budget offerings in India adding to the plethora of options in the sub ₹15,000 category. The three phones: Vivo Y29, Poco M7 Pro and Realme 14x offer many enticing features including bright display, big batteries and more. Vivo Y29 5G specifications: Vivo Y29 5G features a 6.68-inch LCD HD+ display with a resolution …
With plenty of new options entering the smartphone market every month it can be hard to make the choice for right device according to your specific needs. Best phones under ₹ 15,000 in December 2024: 1) Poco M7 Pro: The Poco smartphone is equipped with a 6.67-inch Full HD+ display that supports a 120Hz refresh rate and 2,100 nits of …