After actor-turned-writer Twinkle Khanna posted a picture wishing her niece Naomika Saran on her 18th birthday, a debate started among fans about whom she resembles more. "She resembles you so much, she looks like your daughter," wrote an Instagram user. "Never knew you had a niece more than maa she looks like her maasi," commented an Instagram user. "She is …
The controversial reality show Bigg Boss OTT has turned into a war zone. In the latest episodes, Akshara and Shamita Shetty got involved in an ugly argument over food during which the Bhojpuri actress ended up age-shaming the latter. Further, Akshara Singh made fun of Shamita Shetty by imitating her, mocking her and copying her walking style. Shamita had previously …
TV and film Ekta Kapoor is enjoying her motherhood to the fullest. Choreographer-turned-filmmaker Farah Khan says she is happy for Ekta Kapoor, who has become a mother of a baby boy and says that having children is a life changing event. Bollywood stars Swara Bhasker, Shamita Shetty, Huma Qureshi, Mona Singh, Rakshanda Khan, Rhea Kapoor, Shabir Ahluvalia with wife Kanchi …