Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya has hit out at Samajwadi Party saying it's a factory for producing goons and mafias. Taking on I.N.D.I.A bloc partners Samajwadi Party and Congress ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Keshav Prasad Maurya said that both the parties are no different from each other. Those who rejected darshan …
After Rupert Murdoch’s resignation, what is next for his media empire? The resignation of 92-year-old media magnate Rupert Murdoch has set in motion the long-awaited succession of his empire. Contributors: Kerry Flynn – Media Reporter, Axios Des Freedman – Professor, Goldsmiths, University of London Matt Gertz – Senior Fellow, Media Matters for America Paddy Manning – Author, The Successor On …
Days after President Lula Da Silva is sworn in, a conspiracy-fuelled mob targets the seat of government in Brazil. The recent invasion of Brazil’s democratic institutions, days after President Lula da Silva was sworn in, looks like a carbon copy of the January 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol in the United States. Like MAGA Americans, many of Jair Bolsonaro’s …
With the Uttar Pradesh government planning a survey of Waqf properties in the state, UP Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya on Wednesday said the move has been taken to act upon complaints of land mafias taking over precious Waqf property, adding that those opposing it are against the welfare of poor Muslims. Government, with good intention, has started its survey; …