The ruling Mahayuti alliance is pulling out all stops to win most of the 13 seats in the last phase of elections in Maharashtra scheduled on Monday, May 20. This time, with the sympathy factor for Uddhav Thackeray among Shiv Sena's traditional voters and issues such as bitterness in the Mahayuti and delay in picking candidates, the ruling alliance is …
Maharashtra is facing a shortage of Covaxin, which has been prescribed for the 15-18 age group by the Central government. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray will be placing the State’s demand for 40 lakh more doses to Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a videoconference on Thursday. The State government has also clarified that restrictions implemented are unlikely to be lifted before …
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday faced irate depositors of Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank, and promised to bring in legislative changes for upholding of their interests Mumbai: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday faced irate depositors of Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank, and promised to bring in legislative changes for upholding of their interests. The depositors had gathered outside …