The counting of votes for the by-poll to the Pipili assembly constituency in Odisha's Puri district began at 8am on Sunday amid tight security, officials said. The electoral fate of 10 candidates, including ruling Biju Janata Dal nominee Rudrapratap Maharathy, the BJP's Ashrit Pattnaik and Congress candidate Bishwokeshan Harichandan Mohapatra, will be decided. Catch live updates here News agency PTI …
The BJD’s candidate for the Pipili assembly constituency in Odisha’s Puri district, Pradeep Maharathy, was arrested on Monday, hours after he led an attack on a team of officials of the Election Commission at his farmhouse. The BJD’s candidate for the Pipili assembly constituency in Odisha’s Puri district, Pradeep Maharathy, was arrested on Monday. Puri’s superintendent of police Umashankar Dash …