Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, along with Deputy Chief Ministers Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar, launched the Mahayuti election campaign in Kolhapur on Wednesday. Increased Ladli Bahena Scheme Allowance The Mahayuti government has promised to raise the monthly allowance under the Ladli Bahena scheme from Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,100. Salary and Security for Anganwadi and Asha Workers The government …
With the Adani Group winning a bid to supply 6,600 MW of bundled renewable and thermal power to Maharashtra, the Congress on Sunday alleged that it was a "rigged deal" facilitated by the Mahayuti government, which it claimed was "tottering towards a landslide defeat" in the upcoming assembly polls. The opposition party's attack came after the Adani Group won a …
Mumbai: The Mahayuti government has announced a new initiative to provide pensions to senior citizens participating in the age-old tradition of Wari or Dindi pilgrimages to Pandharpur. Led by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, the social justice department has established the ‘Mukhya Mantri Warkari Sampradaya Mahamandal’ to oversee this initiative. HT Image The corporation, headquartered in Pandharpur and backed by an …