The stage is set for an electrifying clash as Dabang Delhi takes on Patna Pirates in the semifinal of Pro Kabaddi League season 11 at the Sree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex, Balewadi, in Pune on Friday. While Naveen Kumar gradually regains his peak form after recovering from injuries, this experienced raiding duo gives Delhi an edge. The leader of Delhi’s …
Lucknow, High-flying Rajasthan Royals will look to continue their winning momentum and consolidate their position at the top when they take on a resurgent Lucknow Super Giants, who would be gunning for revenge at home in an IPL match here on Saturday. High-flying RR look to maintain winning run against resurgent LSG {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} Former champions RR have …