Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday met with the family of Major Aashish Dhonchak, who laid down his life in a gunfight with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantnag September 13, at Panipat. Haryana chief minister Manhor Lal Khattar with the family members of Major Aashish Dhonchak in Panipat on Sunday. At jan samwad, orders transfer of Ambala …
The mortal remains of Major Aashish Dhonchak were consigned to the flames with full military honours at his native village in Panipat. Family members and relatives mourn near the mortal remains of Major Aashish Dhonchak before his last rites at his native place in Panipat on Friday.Thousands of people gathered to console the grieving family members, including his wife Jyoti …
People gathered in large numbers in Panipat's Binjhol on Friday to pay their last respects to Major Aashish Dhonchak, who lost his life in the line of duty while fighting terrorists in Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir. Panipat: Massive gathering at Major Aashish Dhonchak's Panipat village to pay last respect to the army officer. Three security forces personnel -- Colonel Manpreet …