New Delhi: Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Thursday alleged that BJP MPs were pushing him and stopping him and other opposition MPs from entering Parliament. Sarangi was taken to hospital after getting injured in the melee when the protesting INDIA bloc and the BJP MPs came face to face in front of Makar Dwar in …
NEW DELHI: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Thursday wrote to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, claiming he was physically pushed by BJP MPs in Parliament premises following which he lost his balance. "I was physically pushed by BJP MPs; lost my balance and was forced to sit down on the ground in front of Makar Dwar," Kharge said. Trouble began …
Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar expressed disapproval of Trinamool Congress's suspended MP Kalyan Banerjee mocking him during a protest on Parliament premises, saying that the mimicry is “ridiculous” and “unacceptable”. Suspended TMC MP Kalyan Banerjee mimicks presiding officers in an impromptu skit depicting the proceedings of the House during a protest at the Makar Dwar over the suspension of MPs …