Kareena Kapoor Khan and Karisma Kapoor, the popular Bollywood sisters attended the intimate birthday bash of her besties -- Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora's mother Joyce. Image Source : VIRAL BHAYANISaif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Image Source : INSTAGRAM/KARISMA KAPOORKarisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Speaking of the Arora sisters, they were also dressed to the nines. 'De Dana Dan' …
When it comes to party dressing, soft hues like lilac rarely come to our minds. However, this particular shade can easily get translated into a winner look and we have Bollywood's OG fashionista Malaika Arora's latest photoshoot as proof. Malaika Arora turns on her glam party mode in lilac sequinned top and thigh-slit bodycon skirt Malaika Arora turns on her …