Malayalam cinema touched new highs in 2024 with out-of-the box narratives, incredible direction and outstanding performances. ‘Stuthi’ from Bougainvillea, sung by Sushin and Mary Ann Alexander, was another masterstroke from the young composer, especially with Kunchacko Boban and Jyothirmayi killing it with their dance moves in the music video. While the original tracks were used in these cases, new versions …
Malayali Monkeys burst into the Malayalam indie music scene last year wearing masks that resemble monkeys. We are happy that at least a few people understand what we are trying to convey.” Both ‘Oombalum kanjiyum’ and ‘Ookku’ are inspired by their personal struggles, say the musicians. The song ‘Oombalum kanjiyum’, which means totally broke, screwed up, was born out of …