Bengaluru appeared to usher in the Christmas spirit with a visit to the mall on Wednesday — leading to chaos in several parts of the city. Social media users dubbed it a “traffic nightmare”, with many forced to abandon their vehicles and walk for several kilometres to reach Mall of Asia and other hotspots. Repeated warnings and updates shared by …
Bengaluru’s Phoenix Mall of Asia saw a massive number of footfalls on Christmas evening and it led to traffic chaos in North Bengaluru. Phoenix Mall of Asia in Bengaluru causes massive traffic jams on Christmas eve The users on social media said that due to inadequate parking around the mall, the visitors had to walk towards the mall for 3 …
Karnataka High Court on Friday asked the authorities of Bengaluru’s Phoenix Mall of Asia to cooperate with the authorities in managing traffic around the mall. Bengaluru's Pheonix Mall of Asia and authorities to tackle traffic together According to a report in The Times of India, Justice M Nagaprasanna posted the petition on January 30 after additional advocate-general Vikram Huilgol submitted …
Bengaluru’s Phoenix Mall of Asia moved to high court, challenging the Bengaluru police department, which ordered the mall to stay shut for till January 15, citing traffic reasons. HC orders Bengaluru police not to take any precipitative action on Mall of Asia According to reports, bench of Justice MGS Kamal directed that "no precipitative action shall be taken till the …
On 31st December, the vacation bench of Karnataka High Court directed Bengaluru Police not to take any precipitative action against the Phoenix Mall of Asia till the matter is resolved amicably or further orders from the court. Mall of Asia in Bengaluru gets High Court protection against shut down order #mallofasia — Bar & Bench December 31, 2023 Justice …
Bengaluru police on Saturday directed the management of Phoenix Mall of Asia to keep the establishment shut for next 15 days as it has been causing traffic chaos in north Bengaluru. Phoenix Mall of Asia in Bengaluru causes massive traffic jams on Christmas eve According to police, the inadequate amount of parking facilities at the mall is causing severe traffic …