Malayalam star Dulquer Salmaan who is making waves in Tollywood with hits like ‘Sita Ramam’ and ‘Lucky Bhaskar’, celebrated his 13th wedding anniversary on Sunday and shared a heartfelt anniversary post for his wife Amaal Salmaan which beautifully captured their long journey together. From trying to get used to calling each other husband and wife, to now being known as …
Cooking is an undisputed way to connect to loved ones, but for Filippo Cortivo and the rest of his family, self-publishing a new cookbook meant preserving the memory and traditions of their mother: one of Melrose Avenue’s more recognizable Italian chefs for nearly a decade. Loredana “Mamma” Cecchinato, the matriarch and namesake of Larchmont’s Osteria Mamma, helped build the black-and-red …
ABBA's Björn Ulvaeus surprised fans as he attended Mamma Mia's 25th West End anniversary and the band's 50th on Saturday. ABBA's Björn Ulvaeus surprised fans as he attended Mamma Mia's 25th West End anniversary on Saturday The Swedish musician looked smart in a teal blazer with matching trousers and a black T-shirt for the event as he joined Jane Moore …