Wayanad, which was once the Lok Sabha constituency of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and is now represented by his sister, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra continues to grapple with serious issues. He tweeted, “Pseudo-intellectuals in Kerala cry hoarse about incidents in North India, yet stay eerily silent when a tribal youth is brutally dragged by a car in Mananthavady, Wayanad. Is it …
The estimated 1.46 million voters of Wayanad constituency in north Kerala are set to make their way to the polling booth for a by-election with the Congress announcing that incumbent MP Rahul Gandhi will vacate the seat. While Rahul has chosen to retain the family pocket borough of Rae Bareli in Uttar Pradesh, which he won alongside Wayanad in the …
The estimated 14.6 lakh voters of the Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency in north Kerala are set to make their way to the polling booth for a bye-election with the Congress announcing that incumbent MP Rahul Gandhi will vacate the seat. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra with Rahul Gandhi during the latter’s roadshow ahead of filing his nomination for the Lok Sabha polls …