CHENNAI: The decks have been cleared for winding up the operations at the Manjolai estate in Tirunelveli district and evicting the workers as the Madras High Court on Tuesday dismissed the petitions challenging the voluntary retirement scheme announced by the Bombay Burmah Tea Corporation Limited and praying for the state government to take over the plantation. A special division bench …
The Tamil Nadu government on Sunday, July 28, 2024 announced an assistance package to Manjolai estate workers, as the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation managing the Manjolai tea estate in Tirunelveli district is winding up its operations by announcing a voluntary retirement scheme for its workers. Considering this as a special case, the State government would provide free house patta in …
On July 23, a quarter century ago, what began as a peaceful procession championing the cause of the Manjolai tea estate workers in Tirunelveli district turned into a watery grave for 17 persons attempting to flee from the ‘lathi’ blows of the police. On July 23, the Opposition parties — the Tamil Maanila Congress, the Puthiya Thamizhagam, the Communist Party …